Paperback $15 (+S&H)
Hardcover $25 (+S&H)
Achieving Excellence in the Classroom: What Makes a Teacher Great?
Achieving Excellence in the Classroom is one of the best books ever written for teachers. What makes it so good is a wonderful and insightful explanation of various teaching strategies that engage students in the learning process. The use of video clips to make key points, showing students key websites they can use to augment their classroom experiences and effective ways for teachers to facilitate student learning in the classroom through novel approaches that emphasize collaboration are just a few of the techniques reviewed and discussed. Strategies for managing discipline also constitute a portion of this informative textbook. Motivational and inspirational components as well as positive quotes from other professionals are also inherent in the text to keep educators excited in knowing that the positive influence a classroom teacher has upon his/her students is one that is never ending. Teaching is and will always be one of the world’s most powerful and life-changing professions.
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The GREATNESS SERIES is a truly amazing set of books. They can be ordered separately or as a group. Currently, there are three with a fourth on the way.

Paperback $15 (+S&H)
Book one is Destined for Greatness. It’s the first book in the series and it focuses on the key foundational principles that one should master in order to become more effective and more successful in life matters. In this book, Dr. Lawson shares critical insights with the reader designed to help him or her see the significance and importance of the power of influence, getting things done, the power inherent in a positive attitude and how taking action cures fear. The book is filled with inspirational ideas, quotes and practical application methodologies. In one instance, Dr. Lawson quotes the famous author, Henry David Thoreau. "If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined, you will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. You will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary. New, universal and more liberal laws will establish themselves around and within you or old laws will be interpreted in your favor in a more liberal sense and you will live with the license of a higher order of beings."
Don’t delay. Order your own personal copy of this amazing book today!
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Paperback $15 (+S&H)
Hardcover $29 (+S&H)
GREATNESS AWAITS: PUTTING YOUR DREAMS INTO ACTION is the second book in the “Greatness Series”. It picks up where the first book leaves off. Early in the book, Dr. Lawson re-emphasizes those attributes that made his first book so powerful, relevant and meaningful. Here’s what he says, “Nothing positive or good can happen until YOU are willing to take positive steps and consistent action day in and day out as you strive daily to reach the goals and dreams that you have set for yourself. The circumstances in which you currently find yourself, as well as the friends with whom you associate, will be the primary dictators of influence in your life.” This book inculcates into the framework of your mind the importance of focus, optimism, no limit thinking, vision, enthusiasm and key strategies you can utilize to maximize your potential. It keeps you inspired and motivated to stay on course in order to achieve your next objective.
Order your copy today!
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Paperback $15 (+S&H)
The third book in the “GREATNESS SERIES” is entitled BEYOND GREATNESS. The intent of this book is to communicate powerful ideas to readers through concepts and ideas found in powerful poems that suggest a spiritual, inspirational and motivational combination of themes designed specifically to encourage others to reach beyond themselves by embracing the notion of stretching beyond your comfort zone to make great things happen. Force yourself to tap into your own abilities that you haven’t yet. Explore your horizons. The book encourages you to act on spiritual insights, imagination, change, faith, looking beyond the mirror, potential, a limited mindset and take the time to redefine the concept of “greatness” for yourself. After all, in the end, your perception of things is what inevitably becomes your own reality. Understanding that you are the only one who can limit where you go in life becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It becomes much as the great car manufacturer, Henry Ford has said, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, either way, you are right.” This book helps you to transcend or “go beyond” those limited ways of thinking and helps you to break through the barriers of your own self-imposed limited ways of thinking.
Take action and order your copy today!
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Paperback $12 (+S&H)
The Gamer:
Your Best is Yet to Come contains powerful chapters on Your Inner Treasure, Knowledge, Purpose, Passion, the Drive for Excellence and so much more. It’s a book that gives you that surge of energy that keeps you going in the face of adversity. It is as the former President, Calvin Coolidge has said, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. The world is full of unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” This book is so powerful and insightful.
Order your copy today!
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Paperback $15 (+S&H)
Ageless Wisdom is a powerful book of quotes that has been designed specifically to keep the reader inspired and motivated throughout life. On any given day, the reader can open this book to a specific page and discover a quote that resonates with or speaks to his/her soul. There’s one for every day of the year. These quotes are by famous and some not so famous authors. They are divided into four categories which are as follows: Achievement, Inspiration, Motivation and Spirituality. It’s great for reflection, empowerment, writing, thinking and staying on task to pursue your own goals. Here are a couple of example quotes that are in the book. “Those who have achieved success are those who have worked, read, thought more than was absolutely necessary; who have not been content with knowledge sufficient for the present need, but have sought additional knowledge and stored it away for emergency reserve. It is the superfluous labor that equips one for everything that counts most in life”. Cushman K. Davis “The way to be successful is through preparation. It doesn’t just happen. You don’t wake up one day and discover you’re a lawyer any more than you wake up as a pro football player.” Alan Page.
Order your copy today!
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The Money Management Empowerment Series consists of four books designed specifically to help others to improve their understanding of financial literacy. They can be purchased as a set or individually.

Paperback $12 (+S&H)
The first book, Dare to be a Millionaire! How Doing What You Love Can Make You Rich, focuses on four key areas that if applied effectively will enable readers to improve their revenue base. Those four areas are Earn, Save, Invest and Eliminate or Consolidate Debt.In addition to insightful discussions on how to do this, the author goes further by sharing with readers a specific goal achievement strategy that shows how to incorporate the concepts or ideas explained into their daily lives. Case studies are provided that illustrate the power of a Roth IRA investment as well as other strategies designed to help others improve their bottom line.
This is a must-read book for those who desire to manage their wealth more effectively!
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Paperback $10 (+S&H)
The Dare to be a Millionaire Quote Book, the second in the Money Management Series, helps the reader to stay focused on his/her plan of action by sharing meaningful quotes written by some of the best minds in the business. The purpose is to keep you inspired and motivated as you strive to boost your bottom line. These quotes can be applied to other various aspects of a person’s life as well as the area of money management. Here are a few examples.
“The greatest discovery of our generation is that people can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” William James
“He who cannot save does not have the seeds of greatness within him.” W. Clement Stone
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” Anthony Robbins
“We must discipline ourselves to do the things we have to do today so that when tomorrow comes, we can do the things we want.”
“Most people struggle with money because in school they only learn how to work for money. Rarely do they learn to have money work for them.” Robert Kiyosaki
“He who cannot save does not have the seeds of greatness within him.” W. Clement Stone
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” Anthony Robbins
“We must discipline ourselves to do the things we have to do today so that when tomorrow comes, we can do the things we want.”
“Most people struggle with money because in school they only learn how to work for money. Rarely do they learn to have money work for them.” Robert Kiyosaki
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Paperback $12 (+S&H)
The Power of Money: What Every Teenager Needs to Know About Money is aimed at both teenagers as well as young adults. The sooner a young person learns how to handle their finances early in life, the better it is going to be for them. Avoiding those credit card pitfalls with high interest rates is just one tidbit of information that helps young people to handle money better. The Seven Step Goal Achievement Plan reviewed in the book is most pertinent for this age group. There are several case studies that tell what others have done after being exposed to the information written in this book such as discussing their futures with financial planners. Perhaps one of the biggest takeaways from a book like this lies in helping young people to understand the value of money and that there’s a greater and more significant value to earning, saving and investing as opposed to spending.
Lots of good ideas in the book!
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Paperback $10 (+S&H)
Piggy Bank Basics for Kids: What Every Child Needs to Know About Money
This book is written in such a way that parents with young children can sit down with this text and read to them and share ideas with them that will be beneficial to their valuing money in their young years. Parents can help their children to develop good money management habits like the value of coin collecting, bargain hunting, saving for a rainy day, doing chores to earn and more. As children discuss tips and strategies for managing their money better, their appreciation grows. There are short, fun stories in this book like The Green Schwinn Bike, The Pokémon Phenomenon and others that will capture and hold the imagination of a child as well as helping them to learn at an early age the value of earning, saving and investing more effectively. The seven step financial goal achievement plan is incorporated into this book just like all the others so that young people are exposed to this most valuable concept at an early age.
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Paperback $20 (+S&H)
Dreamers and Doers: Getting Things Done!
Dr. Robert L. Lawson and Holli Pellman have teamed up to provide readers with a powerful book of quotes designed to keep you motivated and inspired to reach your dreams. These daily encouragements with full color pictures are memorable must-reads for anyone who desires to shoot for higher levels of excellence.
Here are two sample quotes.
“You are standing on the threshold of greatness. Do what you need to do to bring it to pass.”
“Sometimes all you need to know is what you want out of life and to have the courage to go get it.”
Order your copy of Dreamers and Doers: Getting Things Done Today!
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Paperback $15 (+S&H)
The Power of Optimism
This is a book of poetry that focuses on the intent of inculcating into the mind a set of powerful, forward thinking ideas that makes it difficult for negativity to take hold and be a continued source of discouragement. This poetry contains messages that run counter to discouragement and antipathy. Here’s an example.
This is a book of poetry that focuses on the intent of inculcating into the mind a set of powerful, forward thinking ideas that makes it difficult for negativity to take hold and be a continued source of discouragement. This poetry contains messages that run counter to discouragement and antipathy. Here’s an example.
Knowledge is a vestibule of thought
Knowledge is a vestibule of thought
provoked to action by an inner desire to achieve.
Knowledge is molded by experience,
harnessed by understanding
and stymied only by self-doubt.
To know and employ is the greatest
force known to man.
The result of this continuous effort
can impact the world by
ultimate genius.
Such poem titles as Character, Confidence, Dare to Dream, Forward Motion, Higher Still, I, Too, Have a Dream, Motivation, Imagination, Mastering Change and many others are found in this book to keep the reader inspired and uplifted.
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Paperback $15 (+S&H)
The Triumph of the Spirit is a powerful, motivational and inspirational book that takes its readers on an intriguing journey of peaks and valleys on the way to success. There are a plethora of personal stories and key principles that individuals in those stories apply to their lives as they move from one phase of their lives to another. Determination plays a key role while faith plays another. The importance of networking is also an integral part of the success journey. Finding and working with others who are on similar paths can make life exciting and fulfilling as individuals learn from each other in their efforts to continue moving forward. Spiritual insights, positive quotes and powerful poetry are also instrumental in the success design. The reader will find all of those powerful elements at work in this book. Making great things happen requires an abundance of work, commitment, belief in oneself, skills and abilities. This book shows the reader how to develop a level of confidence and competence that cannot be easily stopped.
The Triumph of the Spirit is a powerful, motivational and inspirational book that takes its readers on an intriguing journey of peaks and valleys on the way to success. There are a plethora of personal stories and key principles that individuals in those stories apply to their lives as they move from one phase of their lives to another. Determination plays a key role while faith plays another. The importance of networking is also an integral part of the success journey. Finding and working with others who are on similar paths can make life exciting and fulfilling as individuals learn from each other in their efforts to continue moving forward. Spiritual insights, positive quotes and powerful poetry are also instrumental in the success design. The reader will find all of those powerful elements at work in this book. Making great things happen requires an abundance of work, commitment, belief in oneself, skills and abilities. This book shows the reader how to develop a level of confidence and competence that cannot be easily stopped.
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Paperback $32.95 (+S&H)
Hardcover $45 (+S&H)
Oh Yes We Can! Black Achievement in America
Marcus Garvey, the Black Nationalist once had this to say. “A people without a knowledge of their past is like a tree without roots.” From as far back as Olaudah Equiano also known as Gustavus Vasta to the famous Barbara Reynolds, former editor of the well known USA Today Newspaper, this book contains 1600 questions and answers on the African-American experience. Individuals who purchase this book will be both enlightened and encouraged to pursue their own dreams and goals as they see what tremendous odds their forefathers have overcome in order to be successful. The rich heritage and culture of the African-American people is truly amazing. This book is an incredible, informative and comprehensive document that provides an abundance of facts, quotes, events, authors, writers, inventors, screen, stage, radio, music, sports and historical figures. The content is designed to enhance your understanding of the historical significance of African-American contributions to this society and to the world. Through this book, you will expand your knowledge base of many of those contributions.
Marcus Garvey, the Black Nationalist once had this to say. “A people without a knowledge of their past is like a tree without roots.” From as far back as Olaudah Equiano also known as Gustavus Vasta to the famous Barbara Reynolds, former editor of the well known USA Today Newspaper, this book contains 1600 questions and answers on the African-American experience. Individuals who purchase this book will be both enlightened and encouraged to pursue their own dreams and goals as they see what tremendous odds their forefathers have overcome in order to be successful. The rich heritage and culture of the African-American people is truly amazing. This book is an incredible, informative and comprehensive document that provides an abundance of facts, quotes, events, authors, writers, inventors, screen, stage, radio, music, sports and historical figures. The content is designed to enhance your understanding of the historical significance of African-American contributions to this society and to the world. Through this book, you will expand your knowledge base of many of those contributions.
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